August 10th, 2022


Wednesday 10th August, 2022

Family Restaurant, 2627 Center Street, Cedar Falls 

while our usual location, the Lifestyle Inn Lounge and Conference Center, is being renovated.

Technology of Tallgrass Prairie: seeding, experimenting, harvesting 

with Tour

Following dinner and a brief business meeting, at approximately 7:30 pm we will reconvene at the Tallgrass Prairie Center, 2412 West 27th Street, Cedar Falls. We will tour the grass areas and then view the technology used to process seeds.

Tall Grass Prairie Center, 2412 W 27th Street, Cedar Falls, IA

The Tall Grass Prairie Center tour will include a viewing of flowering grasses at the 27th Street facility.

In order to propagate more flowering grasses, seeds are needed. At the Center, Dr. Jackson will show how seeds are harvested and processed for later planting

Prairie on farm

Roadside programs

Harvesting equipment particular to prairie grasses will be on display. Once harvested, the seed are processed through several steps.

Seed harvesting.


Two steps include threshing, to separate the seed from the stalk and scarifing to remove debris from the  seeds 

Rough screening

Screening processes allow the seed to be sized. Since different varieties have different seed sizes, this  step allows seeds of various grass varieties to be gathered. The technology of seed processing involves  physics and mechanics as well as biology disciplines to be successful 

Air screening

Screens pulled out for viewing

The final product is removed from screens of various opening sizes for future planting. 

Center Street is under construction. The southbound lane is closed so you must drive from Cedar Falls and go north on Center Street.

From the Family Restaurant you can only go north.

Option 1::

Turn Right (north) onto Center Street to Lone Tree Road.

Turn Right (east) onto Lone Tree Road to Hwy 27/58/218.

Enter South onto Hwy 27/58/218 to University Avenue

Exit Right (west) onto University Avenue to Green Hill Road (roundabout west of Hudson Road on University Avenue)

Turn Right (north) onto Greenhill Road to West 27th Street.

Turn Left (west) onto 27th Street to Tallgrass Prairie Center, 2412 West 27th Street (first left, about 700 feet)

Option 2:

Turn Right (north) onto Center Street to Lone Tree Road.

Turn Left (west) onto West Lone Tree Road to Hiawatha Road.

Turn Left (south) onto Hiawatha Road to Pine Street.

Turn Right (south) onto Pine Street to Clair Street.

Turn Left (east) onto Clair Street to Center Street.

Turn Right (south) onto Center Street to First Street.

Turn Right (west) onto First Street to Hudson Road.

Turn Left (south) onto Hudson Road to 31st Street.

Turn Right (west) onto 31st Street. (note speed limit is 20 mph on 31st Street and UNI patrols this street) to Greenhill Road.

Turn Right (north) onto Greenhill Road to West 27th Street.

Turn Left (west) onto West 27th Street to Tallgrass Prairie Center, 2412 West 27 Street (first left, about 700 feet).

Other topics planned for this season:

September 2022, Tandem Insulin Pump

October 2022, Logistics of Food Bank with Tour

November 2022, Iowa National Guard

Speaker: Our speaker will be Dr. Laura Jackson, Director and Professor of Biology. Professor Laura Jackson grew up surrounded by prairie, wheat and pasture in the Smoky Hills region of north-central Kansas. She received a Bachelor's degree in Biology from Grinnell College, and a Ph.D. in Plant Ecology from Cornell University.  Laura has been a UNI Biology faculty member since 1993, teaching courses in conservation biology, restoration ecology and environmental studies. Her research has focused on the restoration of biological diversity in agriculture landscapes, and the dynamics of seeds and seedling establishment in tallgrass prairie restoration. Laura has served on several advisory boards including the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture (2001-2012), the Iowa State Preserves Board, and Monarch Joint Venture.  She is co-editor, with Dana Jackson, of The Farm as Natural Habitat: Reconnecting Food Systems with Ecosystems. (2002, Island Press).

Dinner Reservations are made via email:

Please make reservations by noon, Monday August 8th, 2022. Guests are always welcome.

You are welcome to make a reservation for dinner or just come to the presentation. A program-only reservation is appreciated for a head count.

Meal: Meal: Dinner includes rolls, coffee, coffee or soda.

The Family Restaurant requests that we collect cash for the meal and not checks. “Cash Please” 

Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions so that we can provide an alternative for you.


Dues: Member dues of $20 may be sent to the Treasurer, Kenneth Friend, 1112 W. 4th St., Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613-2430 (phone 319-277-2312) or pay at the meeting.  email:

Checks for membership to the Waterloo technical Society should be made out to the “Waterloo Technical Society”.