February 11th, 2004
Wednesday, 11 February 2004
Program Chair:
Crime Scene Investigation in the Real World (Iowa Style)
Melvin L. Mc Cleary was born in Des Moines, graduated from Ankeny High School, and received a B.A. in Sociology at the University of Iowa. He worked as an army intelligence coordinator at the Military Intelligence Command, Ft. Holabird, Maryland. Mel graduated from Officer Candidate School, Ft. Benning, Georgia in March, 1970. He served as an intelligence officer with an Infantry Battalion along the DMZ in Korea.
Mel was a private investigator for two years in Baltimore, Maryland before beginning his career with the State of Iowa as an undercover narcotics agent in October, 1975. In 1978 Mel transferred to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation as a Special Agent having conducted all types of criminal investigations. He was a polygraph examiner for five years (having been trained at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police College), and is best known for his skills in interview and interrogation. He has instructed local, state, and federal law enforcement officers throughout the Midwest in interview and interrogation techniques as well as other law enforcement related subjects. He is currently certified as an instructor by the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy.
Mel retired from the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation in July, 2003 after 28 years of service, and still misses "the hunt" for perpetrators. He is currenly rebuilding a home in Cedar Falls into a duplex from the ground up. Mel and his wife Sandy spend summers at their cottage in Okoboji, Iowa.
Don Goeres
Significance of Evidence:
1. What types of evidence are there?
3. Where are we today with evidence?
2. What can evidence tell us?
4. What does the future hold for us in evidence?
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Where can you find DNA?
3. What is the best evidence?
2. Is DNA all its cracked up to be?
4. What about fingerprints, why can't you find any?
$11.00 per person (includes tax, tip & room rent.)
Social period: 6:00 P.M. Dinner: 6:30 P.M. at Greenstreets Restaurant, 5826 University Ave., Cedar Falls.
Telephone Bob Tujetsch (319) 234-1273, by noon on Monday, February 9th, 2004.. Leave message on answering machine. Guests are welcome if they make a reservation. Please state if special dinner preparations are necessary.
2003-2004 Dues of $10.00 may be sent to the Treasurer: David Berry, 116 Usher Road, Hudson, IA 50643 or may be paid at the meeting. If your mailing label shows "S04", you are paid up through September 2004.
Waterloo Technical Society Website: http://waterlootechnicalsociety.org