May 9th, 2001



Program Chair:


Wednesday, 9 May 2001

Greenstreets at

Cedar Falls Holiday Inn

Ultra-Light Powered Parachutes

Harry Moeller

Denny Mills







Denny will display his powered parachute on a trailer outside the Holiday Inn. His presentation will detail the flight characteristics and operation of the aircraft in detail.

Denny Mills lives two miles west of the UNI Dome in Cedar Falls. After earning a Bachelor's degree in Math and Physics with a Teaching Certificate in 1970, he and his wife Karen decided to stay in Cedar Falls where they raised a son and daughter.

Denny worked at the John Deere Waterloo Works Computer Systems Department for 30 years in various roles before retiring last April. He enjoys playing basketball, running, skiing, flying, and playing more basketball!

Denny's part-time jobs today include: Deere and Company Corporate Computer Department Recruiting; Waterloo Works Recruiting; Truck Driver; Kruger Seed Powered Parachute Flyer at farm shows and seed plot days; and Powered Parachute Dealer ( for Six Chuter Co. of Yakima, WA.

Social period: 6:00 P.M. Dinner: 6:30 P.M. at Greenstreets Restaurant, 5826 University Ave., Cedar Falls.

$11.00 per person (includes tax, tip & room rent.)

Telephone Nico De Jong (319)268-1234, by noon on Tuesday, May 8th, 2001. Leave message on answering machine. Guests are welcome if they make a reservation. Please state if special dinner preparations are necessary.

2000-2001 Dues of $10.00 may be sent to the Treasurer, Gordon Licht, 2330 Ivy Ave., Waverly, IA 50677 or may be paid at the meeting. If your mailing label shows "S01", you are paid up through September 2001.