June 9th, 2021
Wednesday 9th June, 2021
Cedar Falls Lifestyle Inn Lounge and Conference Center
(Formerly the Clarion Inn)
Amateur Radio Operation
Ham Radio is a world-wide hobby, enjoyed throughout the globe. Operating a ham radio station requires some studying and a license from the FCC. (At least you need to know what wires not to touch.)
The hobby, includes numerous enjoyable and full-filling facets, highlighting a diverse set radio-frequency communications activities, including “DX” or long distance contacts with other hams across the oceans.
Storms on the Sun and the ionosphere define how far and when the amateur’s signal travels to other countries.
Hams build or buy their own transmitters, receivers and antennas.
Whether it be amateur television, amateur satellites, tornado monitoring, contesting, club activities or bouncing signals off the moon, there’s always something for everyone with ham radio.
Doug will demonstrate several of his radios that provide large screen, instantaneous, visual graphs of the radio spectrum when receiving and transmitting. He will also show how he connects from a remote facility in Florida, while he transmits and receives to and from his tower in Iowa.
Program Chair: Steve Crouse
Speaker: Doug Vernier
Doug Vernier, president of V-Soft Communications, Cedar Falls is a senior consulting broadcast engineer. He served for seven years as the principal engineer for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's digital radio conversion program. He has also served two terms on the Board of Directors of National Public Radio. Doug has authored numerous technical papers, including chapters on radio-TV propagation in the 10th and 11th edition of the National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Handbook. In 2011, he received the Association of Public Radio Engineering Achievement award. Doug is recognized by the Society of Broadcast engineers as a 'lifetime' Professional Broadcast Engineer. He retired from the University of Northern Iowa where he established KUNI and expanded KHKE and other state-wide transmitters. He has degrees from the University of Michigan where he studied engineering. In his spare time, he follows his hobby as an Amateur Radio (Ham) enthusiast…call sign K0DV.
Meal: Dinner includes rolls, butter, coffee, tea and milk.
Chopped salad with choice of French or Ranch Dressing
Boneless Pork Chop
Baked Potatoe
Vegetable Medley
Apple Crisp
Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions so that we can provide an alternative for you.
Price: $20.00 per person (includes tax, tip & room rent)
The Lifestyles Inn has requested that we collect cash for the meal and not checks. “Cash Please” ☺
Social period: 6:00 P.M.
Dinner: 6:30 P.M.
Dinner Meeting Location: Cedar Falls Lifestyles Inn 5826 University Ave., Cedar Falls 50613.
Presentation: 7:30-8:30 PM
Dinner Reservations can be made by emailing:
: reservations@waterlootechnicalsociety.org ( Copy/paste the link into your email client )
Please indicate if you are NOT having dinner with us when making a reservation. Please also provide the names of any guests so that nametags can be ready for them.
Please make reservations by noon, Monday 7 May 2021. Guests are always welcome.
Dues: Dues are used almost entirely for donations to local groups engaging in some technical field for which the money will make a real difference. Please join us in their support by becoming a member for $20 a year. Our Treasurer, Kenneth Friend, 1112 W. 4th St., Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613-2430 (ph 319-277-2312) or paid at the meeting. E-mail: friendfamily@cfu.net
Checks for membership to the Waterloo technical Society should be made out to the “Waterloo Technical Society”.