April 13th, 2022


Save The Date!

Wednesday 13th April, 2022

 Cedar Falls Lifestyle Inn Lounge and Conference Center

(Formerly the Clarion Inn)

History of Waterloo Water Works


Program Chair: Stephen Crouse

Speaker: Reed Craft

Reed Craft, former General Manager of the City of Waterloo Water Works and author of the book, Water in Waterloo. He will speak to us about The History of the Water Works from the City's private company franchise to a few years past municipal ownership with some emphasis on an employee that just may be of special interest to the Waterloo Technical Society.


Other topics planned for this season:

May 2022, Grout Planetarium Dinner and Presentation

June 2022, Auto Glass Replacement Technology or Climate Change Status

July 2022, Mid-American Renewable Energy

August 2022, Technology of Tallgrass Prairie: seeding, experimenting, harvesting with Tour

September 2022, Tandem Insulin Pump

October 2022, Logistics of Food Bank with Tour

November 2022, Military Defense with Tour at National Guard Armory

Meal:    Dinner includes coffee, tea and milk.

Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions so that we can provide an alternative for you.

Price:               $20.00 per person (includes tax, tip & room rent) This price, like many things, will increase in coming months  

The Lifestyles Inn has requested that we collect cash for the meal and not checks.  “Cash Please” ☺


Social period: 6:00 P.M. 

Dinner:            6:30 P.M. 

Dinner Meeting Location: Cedar Falls Lifestyles Inn 5826 University Ave., Cedar Falls 50613.

Presentation: ~7:15-8:30 PM

Dinner Reservations can be made by emailing:

: reservations@waterlootechnicalsociety.org  ( Copy/paste the link into your email client )

Please indicate if you are NOT having dinner with us when making a reservation.  Please also provide the names of any guests so that nametags can be ready for them.  

Please make reservations by noon, Monday 11th April 2022.    Guests are always welcome.   

Dues: Dues are used almost entirely for donations to local groups engaging in some technical field for which the money will make a real difference. Please join us in their support by becoming a member for $20 a year.  Our Treasurer, Kenneth Friend, 1112 W. 4th St., Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613-2430 (ph 319-277-2312) or paid at the meeting.   E-mail:  friendfamily@cfu.net  

Checks for membership to the Waterloo technical Society should be made out to the “Waterloo Technical Society”.